A new perspective on grief and loss
Hello and welcome once again to Wednesday Musings from the New Earth. I'd like to pose some questions to you today, to you and for you. Now, as a little kid growing up,...
Who Or What Is God?
Hello and welcome once again to Wednesday Musings from the New Earth. I'd like to pose some questions to you today, to you and for you. Now, as a little kid growing up,...
Receiving Grace Meditation
Hello everyone and welcome to another joyful tune -ins. And today we're going to do receiving grace. So I'd like you to center yourself through the power of the breath,...
The Miracles Of Archangels
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday Musings from the spirit of New Earth Today I like to share some miracles that have happened in my life in my Seven decades upon...
Your Soul Path Journey
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday Musings from the Spirit of New Earth. Today we'd like to pose some questions to you for your inner contemplation. And...
Pineal and Thymus Gland Meditation
Hello everyone and welcome to another joyful tune in. Today we're going to do a very simple thymus gland, pineal gland reset. This is something that you can do every...
Healing Past Life Trauma
Hello and welcome to another joyful tune in. This is Kenji. Today we're going to do one of your favorite topics, past lives. Now, it doesn't matter if you consciously...
The Story Of My Family
Hello, and welcome to another Wednesday Musings From The Spirit of New Earth. Today, I'd like to share a backstory about my parents, since this is a time of year to...
Guided Meditation For Inner Peace and Healing
Hi, this is Kenji and welcome to another joyful tune -ins. Today we're going to do heal in as opposed to healing, heal in. Okay, so let's come into the now moment. Use...