Mercury in Retrograde – Focusing on the Positive
Mercury in Retrograde – Focusing on the Positive You may hear a lot about how much Mercury can mess up your life when he turns around a few times a year. However, to lighten up the new year, I figured for a positive change I would write about all the wonderful...
New Year’s Resolution? Here’s a Better Way to Bring Change
New Year’s Resolution? Here’s a Better Way to Bring Change Just because it is a “new year” doesn’t mean we have to change everything about ourselves. After so many of my own “new years resolution” encounters, I have to say that I have learned a better way...
Chakra Systems Are Highways That Funnel Light
Chakra Systems Are Highways That Funnel Light Did you know you have many chakra systems, not just the familiar ‘standard 7’ you may have heard about? In the video below I explain how you should think of your chakra system as “highways that funnel...
November 11th, so?
November 11th, so? What is all the hype about 11:11? You may be hearing of people getting prepared to meditate for 11/11/15, or perhaps inviting you to join some sort of ascension ritual or at the very least you are just hearing lots of gab about it. Regardless of why...