New Year’s Resolution? Here’s a Better Way to Bring Change

New Year’s Resolution? Here’s a Better Way to Bring Change

New Year’s Resolution? Here’s a Better Way to Bring Change Just because it is a “new year” doesn’t mean we have to change everything about ourselves.  After so many of my own “new years resolution” encounters, I have to say that I have learned a better way...
November 11th, so?

November 11th, so?

November 11th, so? What is all the hype about 11:11? You may be hearing of people getting prepared to meditate for 11/11/15, or perhaps inviting you to join some sort of ascension ritual or at the very least you are just hearing lots of gab about it. Regardless of why...
Want a better night’s rest?

Want a better night’s rest?

Want a better night’s rest? Sleep… ahhhh the thought of sleeping, should bring feelings of restfulness and contentment. By all means it should, sleep is essential to our wellbeing! It protects your health, all health, mental and physical, so depriving...