Magnetic Healing Part 6-Pre Winter Solstice 2023


Recorded Live Dec 20, 2023
57 Minutes
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript



In this celebration of the winter solstice, we will facilitate a very unique magnetic process called the “Cocoon Of Light”, an inner journey within. This will be facilitated by Archangels Christpher and Gabriel and assisted by Mother Mary. This will be largely a silent meditative journey as your body will be “cocooned” in high frequency magnetic energy from the Central Sun and the heart of GAIA, New Earth. Much healing, resolution and transformation can occur with the deep silence of the Quantum. This will be good practice for receiving, allowing and just Being. Consciousness will be heightened and magnified. Peak experience and altered states of consciousness may occur naturally. It is best to receive this session laying down on a mat or bed in a quiet space.

Prepare for this class with detox baths, walks in Nature and earthing. Journal writing post event is recommended to assist with full body integration. Your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend in the 5th dimension. Repeated listening is recommended for this multi-layered experience. Be open to all possibilities.

Winter solstice energy is about going within and tapping into your Innate.

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