Magnetic Healing Part 7-Post Full Moon


Recorded Live Dec 27, 2023
49 Minutes
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript



In this post Full Moon Magnetic Healing presentation, we will have the opportunity for deep emotional purging through your Solar Point and the rebalancing of your trilateral/bilateral/bipolar/stellar points in the magnetic field. For this class, it is best to receive the work laying down on a comfortable mat or bed in a quiet space.

The Archangels Christopher and Gabriel will facilitate and Mother Mary will support this intense healing process. There will be much Field reconstruction, past life recalls, alternative realities flashbacks and possible peak experiences and altered states of consciousness.

It is best to allow rest and integration time after the presentation. Drinking water and a detox bath is recommended post event. Your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend in the 5th dimension.

This concludes the Magnetic Healing 7 Part Series. It is recommended you have the whole series to review yearly at either the summer or winter solstice time. It is recommended to do each Part for one week, for a total of 7 weeks or 49 days, and do it in sequential order for maximum outcomes. The effects and benefits will accrue over time and help you to build a strong magnetic foundation for your spiritual practice and service to humanity. This is much needed in these times of intense changes and shifts in consciousness.

Potential cumulative benefits of the series over time may include: Expanded grounded awareness; more ease and grace in moving through life’s challenges and opportunities; greater depth of inner peace and tranquility; alleviation of chronic pain; emotional release, reversing chronic fatigue; reduction in joint pain; skeletal and cranial rebalancing; post surgery pain relief; immune system enhancement; reduction and/or elimination of ADHD/bipolar/depression/anxiety; reduction and/or elimination of PMS and postpartum symptoms. And miracles of any order are possible through the power of Grace.

Full Moon energies will be present.

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