Resurrection and Ascension Activation


Recorded Live March 31, 2024
43 Minutes
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript



Join us today for another special event on Resurrection & Ascension. This year brings the opportunity to further your progress in the new earth matrix for the resurrection of your past lifetime and your ascension into your potential and probably future.

This event’s activation will focus on clearing the dross from your incomplete lifetimes of regret and sorrow, blame and shame, guilt and anger and self judgments of those that inflicted trauma upon the emotional and etheric bodies. Today’s event is about allowing the healing of past wounds to be healed and brought into reconciliation.

Together, we will graciously move into the higher dimensions of consciousness to activate the knowing of how healing occurs and now realization is achieved by your greater self, the divine presence within the oneness of Being. Please invite your divine inner child into this event. It will be very nurturing and healing for your innocent one.

The healing angels and the Marys will be present to comfort and guide you in the resurrection of your past and ascension into your higher frequencies of Beingness and Presence. Come prepared by detoxing the body and getting out and communing with the Devas and Elementals. They always desire to be of assistance to humans.

Bring a notebook, pen and water bottle. Your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend in the higher dimensions. Miracles are your natural state of Being and Presence.

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