Reflections on Miracles and Blessings
May this inspire you to greater heights beyond your wildest imaginations) Do you know what it feels like to be hanging by a thread having over extended yourself...
22 Tidbits On Energy Healing
I would like to share with you some tips on healing that I have used over the many decades in my energy work practice and teachings. 1. Set your Intentions and sacred...
Quantum Questions To Ponder (and to ask new age kids)
What is the true reality? How can you tell what is real and what is not? If we do create our own reality, where is God is this equation? Is your dream state more real...
Quantum Embodiment
On the physical plane, we appear as human beings having the gamut of emotions, philosophies, medical challenges, strengths and weaknesses, tendencies and proclivities,...
Addictions, Co-Dependency and Recovery
We are in a time where we are being called to let go of the old ways of doing things, including therapy and healing, and to allow the new quantum models of Being,...
Past Lives Imprinting
Our pre-birth and early childhood programming, or psychological and emotional imprinting (also called samskaras in India) begins in the womb and continues through early...
Eye Health
Ever wonder what the connection is between the health of your physical body, your emotions and your attitude and belief systems? Did you know that your eyes reflect the...
The New Children Are Arriving
They are being called by many names - The Children Of Oz, Indigos, Crystal, Golden, Dawn, The Golden Ones, Violet Ray & Psychic Kids. They are coming from different...
On remaining grounded during the “earth changes”
No matter how much humanity, in general, is freaking out and exhibiting weird, strange and extreme behaviors, it is important to keep your focus and attention on the...