Kenji’s Recommendations- consciousness and higher frequencies


Activation Bundle
4 MP3 Downloads



In this very special bundle, Kenji composed his most recommended activations to expand consciousness and align with higher frequency dimensions. All of these activations are evergreen and will continue to become stronger the more you listen.

“The Lionsgate activation was very deep for me. In fact, I felt very present the whole time, at least I thought I was, but whenever you spoke – it jolted me from somewhere deep and gave me a fright each time haha. I saw a lady queuing with me to go through the gateway (as if at an airport, with traveling coat on).  Many thoughts were triggered throughout but the stand out for me was at the very end when I felt I was deep in the cosmos – I could feel the temperature and atmosphere and was looking out across the dark sky at two planets/moons. One larger than the other, but seemed to be in line over a distance. It was a wonderous feeling.  xxx Today I woke to astrange happening.  I was aware I had been dreaming but I did not understand a word I had been busily saying.  It was a language I could not tell you what.  hahaha” – K.S.

Activations included:

  • 6:6 Stargate Activation- DNA Healing
    • The Power of 1 is at hand. Prepare your awareness for the empowerment that you have been asking for. We will be working with the power of the 1:11 – the power of the 1 and the power of the 11 stargate. Together, these numerical energies can empower your creative force, your creativity through the portals of of space and time into the realms of the “timeless,” where anything is possible.
  • Pre Summer Solstice Activation – Inner Child Empowerment
    • We  will call upon the Unicorn power to help your Inner Child to come out and play in the sunlight of Helios and Vesta, Alpha and Omega. Your divine Inner Child has all the attributes of God and your I AM. It is time to give your Inner One permission to come out and play, in spite of what is going on in the world of duality. Your Inner Child can now come out and ride on the back of his/her favorite Unicorn. Are you ready for miracles, magic, awe and wonder? Unicorns will bring into this event 7th dimensional energetics, lots of light, lots of wonder, lots of play, lots of innocence and lots of magic. Magic is imagination made real. It is time for magic to return to this Earth and to be anchored into the cells of your body.
  • 7:7 Sacred Stargate- Clearing Family Bindings
    • ​We will initiate the healing of these imprints and unconscious programming so our souls can be set free to manifest our true destiny and purpose. The mystical 7 stargate energies will support and help accelerate rapid change and transformation within your personality ego and 4 Lower Bodies for the clearing of these bindings and attachments. It is time to be set free from all family conditioning. We cannot carry emotional baggage into the new age of enlightenment. No carry-on baggage, as they say.
  • 8:8 Lionsgate Activation
    • In this evergreen presentation, you will receive quantum level encodements, sub-atomic cellular activations, and re-framing of your Light Bodies templates. In addition, you will receive magnetic field reconstruction and re-wiring to hold the ascension frequencies of universal love.

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