Healing The Inner Child

Healing The Inner Child

It is now time for the healing of your divine Inner Child. Are you ready and open to receive it now? Your Inner Child is waiting for you, the High Self, to bring her/him into the Light of Healing. The wounds and trauma that your Inner Child is holding is now ready to...
The Power to Reclaim your Creation

The Power to Reclaim your Creation

The power to reclaim your creation and ability to manifest is here for you now. Today is the best time to re-own and re-know your innate power of manifestation on all planes of existence. What we have created out of fear, lack, doubt, and worry in the 3D and 4D worlds...
The 3 Pillars For Your Spiritual Practice

The 3 Pillars For Your Spiritual Practice

The 3 pillars for your spiritual practice are Faith, Belief and Trust. All 3 are necessary ingredients, if you will, for developing, maintaining and evolving your spiritual awakening, healing your separated aspects in mind and body and moving forward toward your...
Choice and Discernment

Choice and Discernment

From what I have gathered, we have two choices: to stay and battle the negative agenda in the 3D world or to move our awareness, focus, attention and consciousness into the 5D reality and the New Earth matrix. So this paradise on Earth idea or 1,000 years of peace...
Moving Beyond Identifications

Moving Beyond Identifications

As we move along our evolutionary spiral of expanded awareness, it is important to remember that we have to let go of our current level of Identifications in order to move into the next level. We have cultural, historical, ancestral, societal, political, religious,...
Rebirthing Great Changes

Rebirthing Great Changes

Time is upon us to take the leap of Faith and initiate the next level of rebirthing. Just like in physical birthing, the soul rebirthing can be either stress inducing or a joyous experience. Our old data programming taught us that life is stressful and filled with...
Self Reflections

Self Reflections

This is an important time for self reflections: Reflections through your relationships; reflections from and through your business, work, private practice; reflections from the world on what is happening; reflections you receive in your daily spiritual practice;...
Inner Calling

Inner Calling

Are you ready for deeper insights regarding your spiritual path? Are you ready to know how to shift your body’s level of health? Are you ready to have your 3rd Eye activated and viewing clearly? Are you ready to make a move into the Unknown? Are you ready to...