Your Awakening Is Here
This is the decade of great changes and shifts in planetary consciousness, on all levels. Every level and aspect of creation is being affected by the Photon Belt...
New Earth Essentials: How To Shift to 5D Consciousness and Find Peace In the Chaos
The path to wisdom is a perpetual seeking of higher self-awareness. It leads us to heal emotional wounds, discover spiritual gifts and gain spiritual empowerment. It...
The Light Beings: An Introduction to Ascended Masters, Archangels and The Galactic Federation
As darkness strives to gain control of our beautiful planet and her inhabitants, the spiritual light of God intensifies. The light beings that are here to expose the...
Power of Gratitude and Forgiveness
The Path of Ascension is not an easy one, for sure. The Path of Initiation has many challenges to master. Both of these Paths are inter-woven and intimately connected...
You Are Pure Awareness
The key to enhancing your awareness is to practice either meditation, centering or relaxation. The key to healing is to embody a very relaxed state of being. In that...
How to Use 5D Energy and Tap into the Realm of Quantum Healing
As the New Earth begins to blossom, old enmeshment patterns created by ancestral trauma are being revealed in the lives of those souls who are here to heal the wounds...
Power Of Your Thoughts
Energy follows thought. Your thoughts have power. The power of your thoughts powered by your emotions create your world, your reality and the way in which you...
HOW TO Enhance Your Consciousness – Higher Conscious Living
One way to enhance your consciousness, is to go out in nature. Get out amongst the trees. Go for a walk in the forest. Walk along the ocean side. Get into nature and...
6 Ways You Can Increase Your Self-Esteem and Confidence and Move Through Uncertainty
My experience as a spiritual mentor has revealed some valuable truths about self-esteem and confidence and how they affect the process of spiritual growth. While...